PGP Keys
Encrypt your messages end-to-end with one of the following keys.
Also available via WKD.
Gen2 Key [ED25519]
Fingerprint: 5053 23A5 0955 983B 0CE0 7969 C3FB 60ED 7CC5 FC9F
Expires: when ED25519 begins to decline.
I've signed this new key with the old key so you can validate that a third party
hasn't just generated a random key and chucked it up here. You can also download
the new key minimized if you trust me, or if you've already verified it.
Gen1 Key [RSA 4096]
Fingerprint: BE2A 1330 D58E 8EFD 9F52 0576 B66D DBE3 A43F 4E66
Expired 2024-07-14
I have reason to suspect that RSA will not remain secure for much longer and cranking
up the number of bits is only making encryption/decryption operations slower.
Therefore, I'm going to stop using this key and let it expire.